He is Allah, the Creator, the Originator, The Fashioner, to Him belong the most beautiful names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth, do declare His praises and glory. And He is the Exalted in Might, The Wise.

[Quran 59:24]
Islam is built on five pillars, the first of which is a state of faith, the other four are major exercises of faith of which...
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I bear witness that there is no god but Allah (SWT) and I bear witness that Mohammed is His Messenger...
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Obligatory prayers: Five daily prayers, the Friday's (Juma) noon congregation prayer, the funeral (Janazah) prayer...
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Obligatory fasting is done once a year for the period of the month of Ramadan the ninth month of the Islamic year...
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Zakat Obligatory charity giving is an act of worship and spiritual investment. The literal meaning of zakat is purity...
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Hajj is a pilgrimage to Makkah, at least once in a lifetime & it is obligatory upon every Muslim male & female who is....
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We are a team of muslims who are working to spread the message of the Quran (and the Sunnah). We do not belong to any particular school of thought or sect.

Pak Quran is an academy which a offers online Quran services internationally. Our objective is to bring our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters closer to Allah (SWT) by teaching the Holy Quran with proper tajweed.
New Website Launch | Sunday
New Website Launch | Alhumdullilah
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Labour Day | Sunday
Pakistan public holiday no class that day.
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Shab e Qadar | Day ?
Pakistan public holiday no class that day.
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EID Holidays | ?
Pakistan public holiday no class that day.
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  Visitor # 3715
Holy Prophet() said “The Best amongst you is the one, who learns Quran and teaches it.”
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